3 best android apps and IOS to reap thousands of dollars from the captured images to your phone smart !!!

What if I received $ 250 from a single image taken by smart phone? Is not it wonderful? Yes, it is the fact that unknown to each other, which is not familiar to users of applications in mobile phones. I am not exaggerating, one can image that makes you hundreds of dollars. All you have to do is download an application below and carry him captured images to your phone !!

 -Snapwire :

 Snapwire is the platform that connects brands with photographers, editors and designers all over the world. You are invited to participate in the Snapwire Challenges in the form of a competition is determined by the subject, and is to give a detailed description of the requirements to participate in this contest of course, will try to participate and your photo will eventually choose the best image, which Steam send money to its owner.
The second way to make some money from this application is to reach the largest rating photographers in the system, so this category allows you access to special tasks of wealthy customers. Although you are free to add photos to services such as banks image for purchase by all. However, there are some conditions imposed by the platform on the quality of the images.

download for Android
download for IOS

-Clashot :

 Clashot can be described as a cross between a platform for the sale of pictures and networks Alajtmaih.kl what you need is to take pictures with your phone, and publish them on this application have been waiting for money from customers interested in buying this Alsour.tava You amendment to the images through other sites and applications.

download for Android
download for IOS

Scoopshot :

Scoopshot another platform that includes all interested photocopying of mobile phones as well as a platform to sell pictures of the commercial companies and publishers from around the world. You can participate in daily competitions, your photos professional to draw the attention of potential buyers.

download for Android
download for IOS